The KwadKraft Server
The KwadKraft server was my own Vanilla (With exceptions) Minecraft server, which was up for somewhat over 2 years from 2013-2015. The most recent map was M7.
The old maps may be downloaded from this public Google Drive folder
Server Rules
- There are no rules
- Don't be a dick
- Don't ruin anyone's view
- Significant land claims should be marked with a sign
KwadKraft M7 Map

Back to Vanilla with the reintroduction of the snapshots! This is the last map ever run on the KwadKraft server, finally taken down at the end of 2015.
TopKwadKraft M3 Map
So this totally never happened on here, sorry about that. Since it's modded, I don't know how effective a map render would be. Mapcrafter ignores all unknown blocks, and there's no shortage of them on this map.
As before, it's available for download.
TopKwadKraft M2 Map

The second map for the KwadKraft semiprivate server. Now officially retired,
download it
If you still have the coordinates for anything, please submit an application
to This Form.
KwadKraft M1 Map

The original KwadKraft server map, as seen on October 25, 2013 CE.
As above, please submit coordinates to
This Form if you, by some chance, still have them.
I've rerendered this one with the new version of Mapcrafter, so it should look nicer. I might also run a batch PNG recompressor on the output so that it takes less space (and loads faster, maybe), but that'll take a pretty long while to complete. Like, days. So, eventually. Maybe. Possibly. There is a slight chance.
This map is also downloadable from here.